I have always been fascinated with how our body works and by the amazing physical feats humans can accomplish. Sometimes, we lose our ability to do certain movements because of injuries, overuse, or general deconditioning due to lack of proper exercise. In this age full of technology and sedentary activity, we are more prone to getting stuck in bad habits and bad posture simply because our society makes it easier for us to do so.

Bodywork Services

Naushad’s goal is to help you restore postural balance and move more efficiently in your body. He takes a holistic approach to treatment by identifying root causes of dysfunction instead of just working on the area of pain. Naushad's sessions include an assessment of your lifestyle, posture, and medical history. Depending on the type of work required, Naushad will use a variety of techniques to best help you improve.

Naushad's specialties include: 

  • Clinical deep tissue
  • Sports massage
  • Trigger point
  • PNF stretching
  • Shiatsu