Movement Therapy & Physical Training

Movement is medicine

Feel more vitality and confidence in your body

My approach to coaching is to help you cultivate mind and body awareness so that you can move more freely, feel more energized, and minimize your pain. This is more than fitness and strength. Integrating movement quality and mindfulness practices are key to building sustainable health and longevity.

Sessions weave together different modalities: yoga, functional strength, rehab & corrective exercise, pilates, primal movement, qigong, myofascial release, and mobility work.


Functional Strength

If you want to get in shape, get stronger, and feel healthier, personal training sessions will help you do just that. One on one training is great if you need individual attention and accountability. You will be challenged to meet your goals while also exploring playfulness, which I believe to be truly important in your transformation.  

Injury Recovery & Corrective Exercise

Are you dealing with nagging pain or still in the process of fully recovering from an injury? Training will be focused on alignment and correcting muscular imbalances that are a very common source of pain. Once you are able to function with less pain, training will progress to getting you stronger and in better shape.


Yoga is the practice of uniting mind, body, and breath. Coming home to yourself. Yoga sessions are catered towards your goals and needs, and are a good option if you are looking for a deeper sense of grounding and relaxation.

Sports Performance Training

Are you trying to make it to the next level in your sport? Do you want to get fit for an upcoming race or event? Naushad's experience as a Division I athlete taught him what it takes to intelligently push yourself to perform better. Training will be catered to getting you in shape for the demands of your specific sport and role. 


What will we do in the first session?

Before we meet, we'll discuss your goals and review any current physical limitations over the phone. During the first session, the training will consist of an initial assessment of your posture, strength, and conditioning to gauge your current level so we can set achievable goals. 

What is a typical session like?

Training sessions vary based on what your current needs and goals are. Generally, we will work on a combination of strength, mobility, control with a focus on what you need based on your assessment. Naushad uses a variety of modalities based on his experience with:

  • Bodyweight movement and primal movement

  • Weight training (mainly with free weights and kettlebells)

  • Yoga

  • Physical therapy & Pilates for back pain

  • Sports training (agility and plyometric work)

Where are training sessions?

Currently I’m only doing virtual zoom sessions. So for now in the comfort of your own living room, gym, or outdoor space.