Transformational Health Coaching


Ready to transform your health?

Are you currently in a place where you feel stuck, lost, tired, out of shape, in pain, or a combination of all of the above? I know what that feels like, and I’ve devoted my life to learning and applying various principles to transforming our health.

Envision the person that you can love becoming. Imagine what that life would feel like. Change starts in your mind and then transitions into your daily habits. The power that you need is already in you. If you are willing to look deep inside and uncover the blocks that may be holding you back, I’m here to guide and support you along your transformational journey to health and vitality.

Health coaching may be a good option for you if:

  • You want accountability and you struggle to motivate yourself

  • You’d like to improve your energy levels day to day

  • You want to improve the way you feel and move in your body

  • You deal with chronic pain

  • You want to enhance your physical fitness in a sustainable way

  • You want guidance on foods that may be more suitable for your metabolic type

  • You want to boost your immune system

  • You want to feel more balance in your life

  • You want to incorporate more tools to cope with stress

  • You struggle with anxiety, depression, or just feel stuck

  • You are in a major life transition

  • You are open to working on all aspects of your health - physical, mental, and emotional

Health Coaching Areas

Health coaching will begin with identifying your goals and taking an assessment of where you are today in various aspects of your life. From there, we will take a look at various domains of your wellness, and figure out where you can make impactful changes to your habits. We will also discuss areas where there may be resistance to making certain changes and look to uncover what those limitations may be. The areas we’ll look at include:

  • Stress Management - techniques to cultivate mindfulness and ease

  • Movement - exercise guidance and how to incorporate movement regularly

  • Diet - eating strategy for your body type

  • Rejuvenation - sleep hygiene and restorative “work in” movement

  • Self-care - mental, emotional, and spiritual health

What Coaching Is

My role as a coach is to be your partner through change.

As a coach, I do the following:

  • EMPOWER you to discover your own wisdom and strength

  • HELP you create your own solutions to problems

  • SUPPORT you without judgment

  • HOLD you accountable to your goals

I’m not here to just tell you what to do. As a partner, I support you on your own path of self-discovery. The power is in you, and together we will find it.

Coaching Structure

  • In-depth holistic health assessment

  • Vision coaching session

  • Weekly or bi-weekly integrative coaching sessions (adjusted as necessary)

    • Physical Training (postural strength, yoga, qigong, mobility)

    • Meditation & Breathwork

    • Transformational Coaching

  • Customized exercise program for your needs

  • Nutritional guidance for your metabolic type, lifestyle, and health conditions

    • Ability to work in coordination with your doctor and practitioners

  • Resources and guides on stress management, functional health, sleep, exercise,

    and lifestyle

  • Email & messaging support throughout program

  • Partnership in goal creation and accountability

If you’re ready to take an active role in your health, and would like to work with me for guidance and accountability, schedule a free initial discovery call. You should be willing commit to at least 3 months of coaching.



My background in various health and wellness settings and experiences through my own journey of healing has shaped the way I approach taking care of myself. I spent most my teens and early twenties rehabbing chronic injuries from playing sports. It was through a comprehensive approach of working with various practitioners from both western and eastern medicine where I realized that a holistic approach to wellness was the route that helped me most. It brought me on a path of becoming a personal trainer and injury specialist, learning about nutrition, studying yoga, and massage therapy. I’ve incorporated several practices of mindfulness and breathwork into my life and have experienced their positive impact. I focus on cultivating healthy relationships with clear and authentic communication, and prioritize finding a balance in “me time” vs. social and family time. Through the benefits I’ve seen in my health and wellbeing, I feel inspirited to share what I know with others. I am a certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach through the CHEK Institute and as an ADAPT Functional Health Coach through the Kresser Institute.

Holistic Lifestyle Coach level 2