What Are You Really Hungry For??

A question I’ve been asking myself and my clients lately is this: 

“What are you really hungry for?”

You may be thinking of guacamole, pizza, mashed potatoes, or burgers…

But I’m going a layer deeper here. 

I’m talking about the moments late at night where we feel the craving to snack, binge, or check our phone for the 78th time of the day (who’s counting anyway?)...

In these moments, it’s important to pause, take a breath, and then connect with the question. 

Am I craving relaxation? Peace? Am I hungry for connection? Am I needing to talk to someone? Am I actually just thirsty? 

Oftentimes, it’s simply a feeling of discomfort that we want to avoid. So, if we can take that pause and be with the sensation for a little bit, we’re going to move towards the underlying need and comfort ourselves in the process. 

It takes patience and repetition and spending time with the discomfort. And then all of a sudden, we get to a point where we’re more self-reliant.  We become less dependent on external stimuli or food to satisfy our cravings. That’s freedom. That’s peace of mind.